Yann LeCun, Facebook-Chief Scientist AI, predicts a new paradigm of AI architectures likely to emerge in the next three to five years, which will have the capabilities far beyond the present systems.
LeCun also predicts that the coming years could see emergence of robotics combined with AI to unlock a new class of applications.
LeCun spoke at Davos in January 2025 in a session called Debating Technology. He feels the present generative AI and LLMs, though useful, fall short of the expectations. The new architecture will overcome the limitations of the present system which lack the understanding of the physical world, lack of persistent memory, lack of reasoning and lack of complex planning.
Another AI revolution is in the offing. Maybe, it will acquire new nomenclature as the present nomenclature of generative AI will not be appropriate for it. At the heart of this technology are the world models which will make the machines understand the dynamics of the real world. The qualities the new models would possess are persistent memory, common sense, intuition, and reasoning abilities. The current systems have not gone beyond pattern-recognition. Though LLMs process natural language, they are not good at thinking. If the research succeeds, they will have a different paradigm.
In robotics, the focus will be on general purpose, adaptive and versatile robots with intelligence equaling human intelligence. The coming decade could be a decade of robotics.