Public Service Advertising (PSA)


Advertising can be used to promote community and social causes and is called public service advertising. Public service advertising touches upon people’s deepest fears anxieties and values. An egg being dropped from a height into the frying pan is equated to ‘ human brain on drugs’. Cocaine is compared to a barrel of a revolver pointed up the nose of a teenager. We can promote causes like family planning. Lintas made the slogan ‘ one or two, that is enough ‘ or in Hindi ‘ ek ya do, bus’ very popular. Sometimes public service ads lack impact. One reason is human nature. We may be appalled by images of starving children but very few of us are willing to part with our own food to do something about it. Noble thoughts are not necessarily followed by noble deeds. Public service advertising, however, creates awareness. It is difficult to change the mindset of people. Public service advertising should answer the following questions:

Are there any alternatives? Maybe public relations or other kinds of communication may do a better job than advertising.

How to solicit media support?  Media has to choose amongst a host of such advertisers  while providing free time or space.

What are the  the expectations from the viewers or readers?  Sometimes, we intend to change the behaviour, say the voting pattern or the drug habit. Sometimes,we seek some munificence. Sometimes, a toll free number call is required to induce someone to action.

How to measure?

We have to measure its effect. Just emotions are not enough.


Brand Equity


A brand is an asset just like a factory and plant machinery. A brand does not become an asset as soon as it is it is born. It is ‘ built’ ‘ up over a period of time. Brand equity is the result of the process of brand building. Aaker calls brand equity a set of assets associated with the brand, which provide value to its customers. In short, brand equity  represents the value inherent  in a well-known brand name. A strong brand equity means easy acceptance of new products, willingness to pay more for the brand, preferred shelf-space. A strong brand equity gives financial clout to the company. Brand with strong equity can be bought and sold.

Which assets lend the brand its equity ? These are brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality of the brand and the brand associations. These four set of assets are created and enhanced by the brand managers to built brand equity. Brands are developed over a period of time – they are not made in a day. The process of brand building is continuous. Brand building process starts with product development, positioning and launch, brand development, brand association and brand extension – brand improvement.

Successful Media Plan


There are two major components of successful media plan — frequency and continuous advertising. These need not be supported by a very heavy budget.

Brands can be built on a small budget. Even a single medium can be used to achieve frequency and continuity to reach the target audience.

People have short memories , and they tend to forget most of what they learn within half a day. It is, therefore, necessary to repeat the message for better retention. Though forgetting is faster after learning, it levels off later.

People’s  Forgetfulness

Some advertisers wish to reach a wide audience at the cost adequate frequency. But they waste most of the media, spend.

It is necessary to put reminder ads  for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) like soap or toothpaste. Even those products which are purchased on occasions, it is necessary to sink in a message.

When we want to achieve maximum impact so as to rise above the clutter and demand attention, we use concentration strategy. The media effort is not spread over the year. It is hoped that people will remember. But this is a moot point.

Repetitions and Retention

Effective advertising is delivered in sufficient frequency, leading to the concept of minimum effective reach.

We can afford to reduce the reach thereby reaching a smaller audience.This is preferred to larger audience but with a small budget. Perhaps this will confine advertising to fewer markets. It also means selective advertising for some products. It also means selecting media which match our target audience precisely.

It is an ideal situation when we advertise all the 52 weeks in a year. But this is not feasible, for most advertisers. We have to compromise and adjust between the effective level and budgets.

Flighting  is a technique of concentration of advertising into bursts with a gap in between. Initially, it is a flight of four to six weeks each to achieve meaningful levels. This is preferable to a lower weekly level for a longer period of time. Flighting can be used to support sales promotions and to spend maximum in peak seasons.

Pulsing  is another technique. It means continuous advertising together with periodic high concentration bursts  to support seasonal buying, promotions and other marketing factors. Brands have specific requirements which influence frequency e.g. purchase cycle, developmental stage, competition or creative itself.

The more the repetition, the better are the chances of product acceptance. Besides, repetitions have a cumulative effect. No doubt, the message to begin with must be strong. But the more we repeat it, the stronger it becomes.

“This is not an issue between reach and frequency, but reach with frequency.”  (Roman and Mass)

Brand Building


Companies formerly had only a product to satisfy the consumer needs. These products were given a name called a brand name. But just as a person who has been christened by the aunty or godmother later acquires certain traits giving him a unique identity and image, brands in course of time get associated with a set of tangible or intangible benefits which flow from the product. Brand strategy decides what a  brand stands for and for whom. Advertising does play a great role in investing a brand with a set of unique characteristics. The other elements of marketing mix also support in this process. To build strong brands, a company must build a relationship between the brand and the consumer. Relationships arise from the customer’s entire brand experience.

Brand Building Advertising Campaigns


Any successful brand is generally backed up by strong advertising and promotion. Pepsi is the choice of  ‘young generation’ and ‘generation next’. Maggie noodles is just ‘two-minutes’ meal. Complan is completely ‘planned food.’ Indica is  ’ more car per car’. Wills Filter cigarettes are ‘made for each other’. Campaigns have the potential to build up brands and business. In a campaign, a theme or idea is advertised with consistency. This idea is integrated to all other communications. A campaign carries the same idea with different execution in future ads. A campaign gives a consistent look or feel.

Some of the elements of a campaign are as follows :

Visual Similarity

The same visual image continues in a series of ads. Maybe a spokesperson gives this link.The grandma of Ayurvedic C oncepts is such a spokesperson. A character can be created to perform this function. Animal symbols like a monkey in Bytco tooth-powder, a tiger in Goodlass Nerolac, an Appu boy in Asian Paints and a Maharajah in AirIndia ads is such a visual link. Esso with a tiger symbol changed to Exxon but though ‘it changed its name, but not its stripes’. A demonstration that appears in every ad also can hold a campaign together. Milk being poured into a glass or moisturizing cream pouring into Dove Soap are examples of how a short sequence carried from ad to ad provides visual similarity.

Verbal Similarity

Some people think that sloganising is the be-all and end-all of a campaign. It is not so . Words thrown at the end of a commercial may be just throw-always. They may not be relevant for the brand. Some slogans, however, are classic and have a long life. But this life is derived by investing in its extensive use. Just on papers they do not seem to be great and lasting campaign words. We should use a set of words which capture the essence of the product or company. A distinctive sound or music can help a campaign to register.

Similarity of Attitude

Maybe , there is no distinguishing theme line in a campaign, especially when they are initiated. But they have a consistent attitude towards the product and target audience. Some campaigns are built on quality, values, authenticity, style and so on. Attitude is on expression of brand personality.

Product Ideas, Not Just Communication Ideas

Products are positioned not just by communicating what they stand for but by incorporating the positioning idea  at the design stage itself. Later these are expressed in advertising. Thus half-an-hour-delivery of Pizza is possible by scheduling each stage properly e.g. preparing, baking, packing and dispatching. This is built into the product. It is not necessary to improve products to get the ideas. They may be present in the product as it exists. They should be properly highlighted by advertising.

Evolving a Campaign

American Express is built on “don’t leave home without it”. This idea supports travel-related services, banking, and credit cards. Amex depends on its prestige position and service superiority. It thus has a consistent personality and user image based on prestige. Its built-in marketing idea is service of personalized nature around the world. Its umbrella theme is  ‘don’t leave home without American Express’.

Changing the Campaigns

Even the most original campaigns need to be refreshed. The whole environment changes. ‘Neighbour’s envy and owner’s pride’  for Onida TV based on jealousy and sense of prized possession is no longer contemporary with a host of TVs which are as good-looking as Onida, or even better. A campaign thus cannot be sustained on this old theme any longer. It must evolve to keep pace with the time. Only then it remains relevant. A campaign is refreshed by using new ideas and improved products.Campaigns also show wear-out, when markets change. Campaigns must be changed before their full potential has been realised.


Other elements of promotion like direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and an advertising campaign must be integrated. It is necessary to give unified product/brand image. The message retains its focus. A brand strategic view is taken where each element has to contribute something. Integration of communication needs a good grasp over the media and the authority to coordinate so as to create a campaign.

New Age Marketing and Segmentation


Marketing has undergone a complete metamorphosis on account of rapidly advancing technology. It is possible to do precision marketing by making use of a rich database on consumer habits and preferences, right media planning and direct marketing databases. Precision marketing is aimed at specific segments or even individuals. The major advantage is reduced wastage and a highly personalized message.

Though mass marketing is necessary for several products and services through mass media, it is possible to reach smaller niches and well-defined targets by alternative media.

Markets are segmented on the basis of attitudes and demographics. There are new segments based on people’s attitudes towards environment and products. Marketers match the ‘attitudes’ towards products and services with attitudes in society. In this high-tec age, a new attitude segment of the new achievers have emerged who create their own distinctive life-style; divorced from old symbols of achievement. A new segment of time-seekers  value leisure time, and they give up current income for leisure time. They are ready to pay a premium for products that give them time e.g. smart phones, tax machines, e-commerce etc. Senior citizens are no longer old haggard, but are young in spirit. In promotion they would not like to be shown as infirm invalid and sexless. They are shown in young company. There is an awareness that they have a right to an active life. They can select several products for them such as low-sodium salt, low-cal drinks etc. Investment consultants, counselors, clinical psychologists, agony aunts, critics of literature and movies, fashion consultants, consumer reports on products, informational support – all these tend to act as  life simplifiers   which help to choose us the right things. Brands are preferred as they are a shorthand that makes the choice easier. Premium brands, once exclusive for the elite are now for everyone. They start with quality and not snob appeal. In promoting premium brands, understatement is a better strategy. It gives great satisfaction to people to discover a product no one else knows. When so many discover the product, it falls from class to mass. Women as a demographic segment are addressed to by many companies. Women are not to be treated as separate gender, but as consumers. Working women need labour and time saving devices. Though they respond to emotional appeals, they are not irrational either. They could not be stereotyped. Children is another important demographic group. They should be educated to become responsible and informed consumers. Children do watch a lot of TV, especially the adult programmes. While communicating with them , we should use an element of fun. Children also like reality. Barbie doll help little girls live out of their fantasies. It remains consistent with contemporary life style. When a product is given personality, children remain loyal to it. Music is the key to appeal to children. We should talk to children in terms of their experience. Though children influence buying decisions in family purchases, we we should also buy separate advertising to reassure the parents.

Why Brands Fail ?


There are many reasons for brand failure. Maybe it is a case of bad product. Perhaps, no proper research was conducted. Marketing mix can be faulty e.g. bad pricing or bad distribution or bad advertising. When there is no apparent reason for failure, we call it plain bad luck. However, the most important cause for brand failure is bad thinking or in other words bad strategies. Just a strategy statement is not enough. While formulating the strategy, we should keep in mind the following.

Be consumer driven

There should not be emphasis on the mere attributes of the product. We should keep in mind consumer behaviour.

Common cold affects two categories of people — those who keep indoors for rest when they catch cold and those who move out and work even while suffering from cold. Contac  is positioned for the movers since it ‘keeps –you-going’.

Re-define Research

Research itself is not always perfect. We mostly read the operative part and accept it as gospel truth. Research may have subjective bias. Dissect the research report thoroughly. Examine the questionnaire. See whether the right questions were framed.

Concentrate on the Crux of the Matter.

Sometimes, we tend to state to state what is pretty obvious. All of us know that frozen food are convenient. What matters more how they taste.

Meaningful Benefit

Though we can derive a number of benefits from the products, we have to restrict ourselves to the more meaningful benefit. Detergents have to clean and cold remedies must provide the relief. Even Diet Pepsi has to refresh, though it provides only 1 calorie and controls sugar and weight.

Popularity As the Main Benefit

The most sold brand sells most due to some reason. The most sold status is a consequence, and not a cause.

Price Strategy

Mere price with no regard to quality is not a good strategy. Sooner or later, we must strike a price-quality equation which  provides value to the customer. We may buy an economical car but it does not last for a long time. This is poor value. A car that lasts with minimum maintenance costs, is luxurious and gives resale value is an example of good value.

No Arguments

In financial advertising, just cold facts won’t do. People do not perceive them properly. We have to justify us by relevant information or reasoning.

Bundle of Benefits

Who buys just a combination of ingredients or parts? We buy some expected benefits. Are we buying a quarter-inch drill or a quarter-inch hole? Just attributes are not the benefits.A computer may have processing power  –it is speedy. It is the attribute. But its speed saves our time. It is the benefit.

Mother Brand

Never dilute the property of the mother brand by extensions and improvements.

We should not fiddle with the long term brand strategy right at the beginning. It should be the last thing to change. The reasons of brand failure may lie elsewhere.

Ultra-high Definition TV


The 4K TV set is ultra-high definition with unbelievable clarity. It packs twice the horizontal and vertical resolution of full HD TVs, the 1080p ones. It has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, compared with the 1920 x 1080p of a full HD set. These TVs had sizes of 82 inches plus to accommodate high pixel density. They are too large for most households. Broadcasters are still struggling with full HD channels. It is not possible for them to beam 4K content, which is four times heavier, right now. This is changing. Sony’s 4K models are 55 to 65 inch, priced at Rs 3 to Rs 4 lac respectively. It is likely that Samsung and LG will follow suit. However, the chances of  of a 4K channel in India are not so good. Elsewhere, the content is supported by a pre-loaded 4K media player. There is also 8K in the offing which is 16 times the number of pixels of full HD. It is difficult to say that this will be future TV.

Intel Media Service

It is a hardware and software solution expected to be powered by Intel’s fourth generation processors. The service is proposed to be launched with a device. These will be on-demand content. The service will operate via the Internet. It will have live as well as catch-up TV. It will be restricted to the US to begin with.

TV News and Discussions


In the good old days, news was read out to the placid listeners. The news reader was calm and steady and did not show emotions. The views were one-sided affair. Sometimes, they were two speakers, but both of them either agreed or civilly agreed to disagree.

In the 1990s, non-government news emerged. It changed the reportage which becoame more hectic. But analyses were still the same. They passed on government views. Politicians and anchors had a cosy  relationship, The wrangle too was amiable.

Then came the era of ‘shrill’  TV news. It shattered the old day calm. There are furious arguments and accusations. There are insults and cutting responses. It is BP, scowls and tears. The programme brings in lot of emotion, which was traditionally absent. The news rushes to all corners of the story. It is understood that India today aspires to have news that empowers ordinary lives. The citizens want to know everything. We live in interconnected world, and would love to know how events abroad and here in India impact us. Old TV discussions with chatty camaraderie do not satisfy this need.  Shrill news does.

Critics, however, feel that events are exaggerated. Some events are triggered by media coverage. However, channels just feel the emotions around them, picks up on them, and get their act together. They present an emotional nation inside a studio. Indian media has adopted loud, pushy American model rather than polished British model.

TV news is a saga of our current lives. It reflects its joys and sorrows, its hopes and disappointments, its chaos and  order, its ugliness and beauty. It has changed from a muted, subdued version to a shrill version. The nation has changed.

Indian Independent Cinema


Simply called ‘indie’,  it refers to any movie made an individualistic spirit. It is a movie totally driven by auteur. It is an individualist voice of the film maker and does not necessarily cater to the mass taste. It does not comply with what is commercial.

The generic definition of an indie film points to a small budget project made and distributed by an independent source without intrusion of a big studio. However, in India distribution is a big hurdle, and happens only with the help of a big studio. In short, our indie films are made with money from independent sources or by a producer who contributes money.

Unlike the parallel cinema in the 1970s and 1980s, which focused on social injustices and every day struggles, today’s indie films are not bound by any theme.

In the indie world the star is not a person, but a script. They cut location costs, edit everything on paper and plan better. The project is more efficient.

For big studios and stars, fringe films are a means to invest in new audiences of the future.Cinema made on a low budget, experimental say with camera angles, a dose of violence and irreverent language — all these are characteristics of independent cinema. It goes beyond the formula.

Abroad, independent movies are those that are not made outside a major film studio, or production house. It gives full creative control to the director’s vision and narrative style, without studios, producers or market forces. Their content is unusual. They show a distinct style.They are marketed on a limited release basis.