Advertising can be used to promote community and social causes and is called public service advertising. Public service advertising touches upon people’s deepest fears anxieties and values. An egg being dropped from a height into the frying pan is equated to ‘ human brain on drugs’. Cocaine is compared to a barrel of a revolver pointed up the nose of a teenager. We can promote causes like family planning. Lintas made the slogan ‘ one or two, that is enough ‘ or in Hindi ‘ ek ya do, bus’ very popular. Sometimes public service ads lack impact. One reason is human nature. We may be appalled by images of starving children but very few of us are willing to part with our own food to do something about it. Noble thoughts are not necessarily followed by noble deeds. Public service advertising, however, creates awareness. It is difficult to change the mindset of people. Public service advertising should answer the following questions:
Are there any alternatives? Maybe public relations or other kinds of communication may do a better job than advertising.
How to solicit media support? Media has to choose amongst a host of such advertisers while providing free time or space.
What are the the expectations from the viewers or readers? Sometimes, we intend to change the behaviour, say the voting pattern or the drug habit. Sometimes,we seek some munificence. Sometimes, a toll free number call is required to induce someone to action.
How to measure?
We have to measure its effect. Just emotions are not enough.