Creative persons need inspiration to create. Men have always depended on women for the push. Prabhuddha Dasgupta, a photographer calls this feminine energy responsible for his creativity. However, he agrees that a muse need not be a specific person. A muse is the mythical figure credited for being not only an author’s inspiration, but also the genius behind his work. Myth is thus an ephemeral idea. Some find the idea of a muse uncomfortable. A creative person must work regardless of inspiration. Surgeons do complicated surgeries with no muse to inspire, and mothers nurture babies without relying on a muse. The idea of a muse can be used as a metaphor. Muses remind us how capricious the inspiration is , just like the goddesses who are free-spirited and elusive. A poet can scratch a pen endlessly across the page, and still there is no output.Anything can trigger off a poem, say a place, a person, a mood or a relationship but its verbalisation requires a goddess. Any poet would wish that she visits him more often.