Ad Start Ups

A lot of talented manpower from the traditional ad agencies have formed start ups, mainly in the digital and mobile area. What motivates them to do so is the freedom from the organisational structures and office politics. Until recently, the ad business was dominated by the three main players — WPP, Omnicom and Publicis, which are the agency-networks. This dominance is likely to end very soon in this fast changing environment. What is necessary is a marketing process that is faster, better and economical. That happens when technology is exploited to facilitate the marketing process. In marketing process, we include creating communications, producing them, distributing them. We also consider targeting the consumers and measuring the effects. There is no full satisfaction of the clients in the traditional agency system. A start up called Mob is mobile first agency. It proposes to do braver and more experimental work. Another start up called Brave New World promoted Pocketman jeans with 13 pockets for online brand Myntra. They did not do the traditional promotion, but instead kept a man with a 13-pocket jean, with a 13-pocket jean, all stuffed with survival items, in captivity for 48-hours. This was the longest continuous livestream in the history of YouTube India. Zero Zero, a start up, creates offering around brand communication and design. Tango Media focuses on its patented inventions, e.g. an app where a consumer calls a brand over feature phone or smartphone.


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