AI : Limitations

AI takes over, but while doing so it is assigned tasks with real world consequences before AI works properly. Several videos are alogorithmically produced, with names that are collections of tags. Such videos targeted to young population makes the system complicit in abuse. The fake news would not have been possible without Google’s programmatic advertising technology and Facebook’s propensity to tolerate fake accounts. The tag-filled names of the videos are designed to exploit YouTube’s search algorithms. The catchy headlines of the fake stories continue fooling Facebook’s clickbait detection algorithms. MIT scientists have developed Moral Machine to automate the ethical decisions a human driver makes on the fly — whether to hit a wall and kill the car’s passengers, including a young girl or run over an athlete and his dog crossing the street on a red light. The researchers used a website to ask people about moral choices. Then the data is aggregated. AI-based algorithm figures out a decision corresponding to the crowdsourced wisdom. The self-driving cars can make credible decisions on ethical dilemmas by implementing an alogorithm on the Moral Machine data set. But it is not the end-all solution.
Alogorithms may have improved but it will be a long time before they perform tasks that require human judgment, without some human figuring out how to game them.


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