Beers — Lagers and Ales

Beers are put into two classes –lagers and ales depending on the type yeast to brew. Lagers are lighter and use bottom fermenting yeast. Ales are thicker and darker and use top fermenting yeast.Ales have a bitter taste. Pilsner is a lager that is brewed in the style used in Czechoslovakian town of Pilsen.Beers have on an average alcohol content of 3.2 to 5 per cent.There are pale lagers as well as ales.There is a dark variety of lager.There are brown ales, Porter and Stout ales. Weis beer is falvoured infusion much like other liquors made out of wheat.There is light diet beer too.Iced beer is more concentrated and contains the same alcohol in less volume. It is brought to freezing temperature and the frozen water is separated and a part of it is removed.Draught is unpasteurised beer. It is fresh, though faintly yeasty.You can keep it for three days without regeneration and a month with regeneration.


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