The size of the total meat market is around Rs.3 trillion, 70 per cent of which is fish, 16 per cent poultry, 11 per cent mutton, 2 per cent pork and 1 per cent beef. However, the organised sectors account for only 1 per cent of the total market, or Rs.3000 crore. However, as the total market is expanding, and is likely to reach Rs.6-9 trillion in the next five years, there is a huge potential for e-commerce of meat too.
There are virtual e-commerce companies such as Licious, FreshToHome, TenderCuts, Zappfresh, Meatigo and Fipola. These account for 80 per cent of online meat market. The rest is catered by Big Basket, Milkbasket and Swiggy.
In fish market, around 97 per cent is controlled by the wet market and only 3 per cent is run by organised players. The online players have a miniscule share of the organised market.
The online players focus on their superior quality and hygienic practices to induce consumer confidence.