Celebrity journalism covers every area of life where wealth and fame can be found — movies, fashion, politics, sports and corporates. Afsana Ahmed learnt seven things in celebrity journalism.
Cut-throat business : It is a fiercely competitive environment. There are few ethical practices and these are used selectively. It is possible to connect with genuine sincerity and honesty immediately.
Hard work pays : Start small, and work your way up. That is the way to achieve success.
Publicists are not friends : Celebrity PR works for celebrities. Its job is completely different. A celebrity journalist is in the opposite side of the business.
Style matters : In the glamour world, the style matters. It is to be cultivated.
Lonely stars : Stars are surrounded by their entourage. Still essentially, they are lonely souls. They should be reached out on a human level.
Never be star-struck : Show them respect. But don’t be star-struck. Or else you will not be taken seriously.
Be fearless : While communicating, be courteous, but do not be intimidated be them.