Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

These days the companies have realised that success in today’s competitive market place is by providing customer service of quality and their grievance redressal mechanism. A contact centre is one such mechanism which handles customer calls and complaints. It is a third-party customer contact desk. It goes beyond call handling, and tries to establish comprehensive customer relationship management system. These services are outsourced. Many companies from abroad are outsourcing significant amount of customer contact services from India. If companies just rely on their internal resources, it may result in customer dissatisfaction. A plethora of communication devices may not be helpful. There should be a single response number customer. Contact centres are common in service industries like credit card companies, banks and cellular phone companies. Third party customer contact centres are increasingly being used by FMCG companies, consumer durable companies and insurance companies. These centres also provide telemarketing solutions. Some companies get forms filled up online, courier them to be signed, collect them with supporting documents and submit them. A call centre enters into an agreement with the company. In centralised model all calls across various cities are handled by customer service representatives ( CCSR ) in a single location. If the central location is at place called X, and calls originate from Y and Z centres, they are received at the respective local switches to be re-routed to X. In distributed option, the local centres take care of the calls. The hybrid model is a mixture of the two. Companies improve brand perception by employing the services of call centres. A company will have to advertise a customer service number.


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