Durability : Newspaper ads have a short life span of a day. They are thrown away as soon as they are read.
Local : Newspaper ads are local in nature. This is an advantage as well as a limitation.
Reproduction : Newspapers are printed on newsprint. The finer details in photographs may not be reproduced faithfully. Newspaper ads cannot compare in terms of quality with the ads in magazines. This deficiency is compensated by colour supplements given as add-ons.
Position : Newspaper ads in not-so-preferred positions are likely to g0 unnoticed. Preferred positions atract a higher tariff. Most ads are accepted on ROP or run-of-paper basis giving freedom to the newspers to place the ad anywhere at its discretion.
Not leisure/pleasure medium : Newspapers are not a leisure and pleasure medium. They are read in a hurry. Many skip over the ads.
Selectivity : Newspapers are not demographically selective.