Five Scales of AI: Travel towards AGI

OpenAI has set a goal to reach artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI is AI that outperforms humans. OpenAI has set a scale of five levels to measure its achievements towards this goal. Currently, technology is approaching scale 2 of AGI.

The models available today generate text and images. Will they be able to understand the surroundings and adapt to the new information and circumstances? If there are disagreements, they indicate blind spots, and lead to opportunity.

Five Point Scale

Scale 1 is the current stage of AI. It is a conversational interaction stage on the lines of ChatGPT which was launched in November 2022. It has several million users. There are developers who use API to build their tools. ChatGPT consultant is a coveted role. This is the beginning.

Scale 2 will consist of systems (called reasoners) which can perform basic problem-solving tasks comparable to a well-qualified human but without using any tools.

It is a significant jump in capabilities — from basic and limited capabilities to comprehensive all-encompassing human-like proficiency. We are striving to achieve this stage, but still we are not there.

Scale 3 AI systems are called agents who operate on behalf of humans autonomously for a considerable period. At times, they need monitoring. Technology has to work to a stage were the system rarely breaks. The moment it breaks, the system fixes itself without human intervention. It will be a team-like system.

Scale 4 AI systems can be called innovators since they develop innovations independently. The systems run the processes. improves them. They are not confined to next term prediction but expand to critical thinking about a better job and achieving goal more efficiently and effectively.

It will be an AI tool that aligns with our purpose and gives us ideas. And this it will do on its own accord. It will be a big leap for AI.

Scale 5 AI systems will become organizations — they will do the work of an entire organization. All functions will be carried out by agents that work together. They make improvements. They work completely autonomously without any human in sight.

Such AGI, according to OpenAI, can be achieved within ten years whereas some others extend the time line up to fifty years. The actual timeline remains uncertain, but one thing is certain — AI is advancing by leaps and bounds.


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