Foundations of Advertising : Chunawalla Sethia

Some 30 years back in India.India was yet to make her tryst with destiny as a global economic power. Back the production, manufacturing and engineering ruled the roost and marketing was an afterthought. Consumption was frowned upon and austerity was glorified. Consumers were free to choose any colour as long as it was black. The balance sheets were admired which carried impressive physical assets. Intangible assets like brand names were not recognised. It was in this context that Chunawalla and Sethia decided to pen a book on advertising called Foundations of Advertising. It was their firm belief that India will enter a consumer age, as green shoots of that age were visible then. The age will be marked by consumer choice and the biggest assets will be brands. Companies will not be valued by their turnover, but by the equity their brands possessed. The brands will be built by marketing and advertising.The book has lived up to the expectations of thousands of users and is going strength from strength.

The 8th revised edition and its 25th reprint has just been released.Available on all e commerce sites, home shopping networks, leading book sellers and 14 offices of Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.


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