David Godwin (66) is a celebrated literary agent who has represented every Indian winner of the Booker Prize, except Salmam Rushdie.
Basically an agent performs the role of an editor. He makes suggestions to improve the work and make it better.The manuscript undergoes changes. It is sent to people. Maybe, it is too long and has to be made compact.An agent stays with the book.
An agent has to get a publisher for the book. He has to discuss the financial deal. He strikes deals in different countries.All possible revenue streams are to be tapped.He makes film deals.
He plays an active role in actual publishing process — production, coverage, time of the launch, the pricing etc.
A writer is not charged by the agent for the services he renders. He takes a portion of the money he has made for the writer — he is paid by the publisher. He takes 15 per cent and the rest goes to the writer.If he does not sell a book, he does not get any money.
He is in search of a good story but also something distinctive — a distinctive voice.