Gemalto is the world’s largest smart card producer. A smart card uses near field communication ( NFC ) which is contactless mobile tecnology. To begin with there was a shift from the magnetic swipe cards to chip-embedded cards called EMV. In NFC the mobile operator pays the role of a trusted service manager ( TSM ). It manages details normally present in a payment card. The latest shift is to use a technology called Host Card Emulation ( HCE ) where card holder’s information is stored remotely on a cloud, and not on a SIM provided by the telecom operator. This is possible by tokenization solutions which enables transactions to be completed without transfering card holder information through network. Previously, these transactions were SIM dependent which carried Visa or Master applet. There were data centres to support this. Now Master and Visa support HCE which has picked up. The previous system was hardware-based and was secure. Both NFC and HCE technologies are likely to co-exist .There are rising opportunities for Gemalto in the finance space outside the mobile world.