To begin with hashtags were used to categorise items, images, messages and video in the late 1980s. In August 2007, Chris Messina, a designer asked his followers on Twitter how they felt about using a pound sign to group conversation and that paved the way for the use of hashtags. Hashtag shows you the way home if you are lost in the Twitter Jungle. Millions of messages float around everyday. Hashtag is one way to tackle the clutter, and find the topics you are interested in. Twitter transformed the # symbol from just a pound sign to a hyperlinked verb. In July 2009, Twitter officially embraces the hashtag, automatically linking anything prefixed by #. Based on the popularity of the topics, in 2010, Twitter began to highlight the hashtags, thus leading to trending and trending topics. Instagram adds hashtag support in 2012. In 2011, Google + begins automatically linking hashtag in posts. All major social network sites now support hashtag. Tweets that contain hashtags are more likely to be retweets. Facebook starts hashtag support from 2013.