Hollywood is a stable industry surprisingly. Its basic model has remained the same for the past 80 years — financiers in New Yoyrk lend money to creative people in Los Angelas. Consequently the big studios have been at the top since 1950s — Columbia, Disney, Paramount, Universal, 20th Century Fox. It is puzzling to see this stability since movie studios do not have many assets. Their projects are just collaborative — a bunch of independents come together. A studio however, possesses one main asset — its ability to put together these disparate elements. There is entry barrier also — others do not find the business lucrative. Some invest because glamour facilitates their other businesses. Hollywood seem to be destroying itself — it is difficult to get financing and audiences. The projects are growing more ambitious and costlier to eliminate the risk. The existing Intellectual Property (IP) is being exploited in the trend of sequels.