Home Shopping Channels

The home shopping channels started in the 1990s. Mostly the dubbed English slots were telecast which promised too much.Since then they have come a long way, innovating content and introducing new products. The video-based content explains the features of the product and assist customers in their purchases. Some popular channels are HomeShop18. Best Deal TV, DEN Snapdeal TV and Gemporia.These channels were challenged by e-commerce and online retailing. These have taken away many customers from home shopping. Many channels shut shop. It has become difficult for home shopping channels to attract new customers.
The TV shopping business requires high investments in quality content production. Majority of players advertise their products on standard TV channels after 11 pm. Many new categories such as travel and insurance have been advertised on home shopping channels.
Home shopping channels now focus on regional markets, particularly the southern states. These channels function on inventory based nodel and marketplace model. Their revenue comes from commission from sales, and they also charge a fixed fee to the brands. These channels exploit festivals and special occasions.


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