Internet access is considered a fundamental right by the Supreme Court. With the spread of internet, we require cybersecurity measures. Tim Bernes-Lee, the inventor of World Wide Web, feels that the web should be recognised as a human right, and should be used for the public good.
IIGF or the new India Internet Governance Forum works in this direction. It wants to ensure safe internet practices, establish internet governance and digital inclusion. It is modelled on the principles laid down by the UN. There should be safe and accessible internet for all. At the same time, internet should be inclusive regardless of gender, disability or economic status.
There is a gender gap in internet usage. There are more male internet users. Internet should be accessible to persons with some kind of disability. Many apps are not fully compliant with universal design standards. We should adopt assistive technology (AT). There should be accessibility in regional languages. There should be affordability.
The divide between urban and rural population must be bridged.
There is dark side to internet — cyber crime, security breaches, fraud, bullying and targeting of vulnerable people. Cybersecurity must have multi- pronged approach. Both public and private sector as well as the users must come together and fight for internet safety.