JEPA : Break from the Generative AI

Yann Lecun is one of the godfathers of AI, along with Bengio and and Geoffrey Hinton. Lecun is the chief scientist at Facebook. At an event in Paris, he declared that generative AI is overhyped, and has reached a dead end. He is into developing new AI models that would show human-like rationality.

Lecun is aware that computers lack common sense. He talked about the image-based Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) which will surpass the capabilities of generative AI. Machines will be able to conceptualise abstract ideas. At present, they just spew out the existing online information.

He feels in a few years generative AI models will be replaced. He feels that AI should align with human understanding of the world. The models should perceive the world and make predictions.

Facebook has adopted generative AI for its platforms discreetly. It has released open source AI models that require less computing power than generative AI.

Facebook is spearheading the development of new AI models which will replicate human rationality.


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