Ludo on Mobiles

In India board games have been played since long. Ludo is the modern version of the Parchisi, a board game in India. This game is powered by technology and is popular not only in the sub-continent but also across the Mediterranean countries.

Games on mobile have received a boost on account of the number of game engines available now. A game engine is a software tool that allows one to build video games. Developers are facilitated in the game play aspect, how it will work on the phone. Rest is art, animation and design. All put together must work seamlessly in the multiplayer format.

Game design merits attention. It keeps people glued to the game. A player must have games design for the start, the middle, and the month end. The new content has to be introduced throughout the year.

Backend engineering must be paid attention. Engineers work to leverage tech. They strive to build tech modules and efficiencies. It is difficult to build multi-player functions which are not buggy.

Ludo King, Ludo Club, Gameberry’s Ludo, Ludo of Jetsynthesys are popular Ludo game versions. Ludo Zenith has introduced betting on a game. ShapChat and Square Enix, foreign companies, have made entry into this space.

India is a very challenging market to generate revenue and find the right manpower for AAA games.


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