Magazines could be weeklies, fortnightlies or monthlies. Next to newspapers, this is the second print medium available to the advertisers.In many respects, magazines differ from the newspapers. The newspapers appeal to all kinds of people. The magazines appeal to particular kind of people. Newspaper ads have a short life, magazines have a longer shelf life. Newspapers are basically a local medium, whereas magazines could be national medium. There are regional editions of national magazines in the local languages. Newspapers attract readers in general. Magazines attract readers with a specific interest, e.g. women’s magazines provide useful information on housekeeping, gardening, embroidery and cooking. Sports lovers read Sports Week and auto lovers Auto Ride. Magazines help people to relax, and escape from the drudgery of everyday life. They impart considerable knowledge on different subjects. Magazine readership, overall, is not growing, but the launch of special interest magazines continue unabated.
Magazines could be in different sizes — pocket book size, full size or standard size, flat size and large size. Magazines could be classified on the basis of readership — business magazines, sports magazines, women’s magazines etc. Generally, they are either general interest or special interest magazines. There are also professional magazines for medicos, pharmacists, architects, chartered accountants. There are institutional magazines such as a magazine published by the Institute of Costs and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI). There are house magazines of different business and service organisations, e. g. Kshema of Corporation Bank. Magazines could be information providers or leisure reading material.