Loverse — AI-dating Statup

In Japan, there is an issue of loneliness — two thirds of men in their 20s do not have a partner and 40 per cent have never gone on a date. The figures for women in the same age group are 51 per cent and 25 per cent respectively.

Loverse, a dating application offers a digital solution to this loneliness crisis. Here people exchange messages with potential partners and soon thereafter select just one — say Miku — an AI-bot. Loverse has 5000 plus users, and the interaction is facilitated by AI. There is no messiness and uncertainty of real romance. The interaction requires minimal thought. If you marry a selected partner, you do not return to an empty hall. They continue to their married life routine which they share with most others.

Loverse fills a gap in people’s emotional lives. It provides an alternative ( yes, but not a substitute) to real life companionship.

Such applications have a sense of safety. A little disagreement will  not end a relationship. There is rehabilitation of those who have burned themselves previously. Interactions are devoid of jealousy. These interactions can complement a human partner. It takes you away from extra-marital affairs.

The main aim is to provide opportunities to find true love when you cannot find it in the real world.

The interaction is also a training exercise. You will learn how delightful love is. AO trains in better communication. It makes you ready for real partners.

Loverse has a long way to go in mimicking humans.


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