Media professionals decide where, when and how the Rs 50000-odd crore worth of advertising money in this country is spent. Media has acquired a new status in the communications industry, and does no longer play a second fiddle to the creative and service people. Media was once a cost centre, today it has become a profit centre. Clients used to interact with media professionals just once a year. But now they prefer a close interaction with them on a continuous basis. Media plan requires constant monitoring and it incorporates charges as add when the dynamics of the environment demand it. Media has come to the forefront. We find individuals and agencies specialising in media. Media CEOs are young, dynamic and have capabilities to drive media as a business. Earstwhile media directors had strong technical knowledge, but they lacked business orientation. Media people also should have the ability to manage relationships as they deal with clients directly without using client services. Media people cannot afford to be back-benchers and introverts who are adept in number crunching. Managing client perception is as important as number crunching. Media job has become high-profile job with its own stress. Media professionals should form an industry-level body.