One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) Scheme

It is necessary to be aware of the published research work in international research journals to move ahead in any area of knowledge and to improve the quality of R&D being undertaken in the country.

The international journals are costly. All of these cannot be accessed by the researchers, students and faculty members. The central government has taken ONOS initiative — One Nation One Subscription. It covers 6300 government higher educational institutions (HEI) and R&D institutions. This initiative gives access to 13000 scholarly electronic journals from 30 publishers across the world on one platform (which will be active from January 1, 2025). It covers all reputed publishers. One rate has been negotiated with them. The government has allocated Rs. 6000 crores for the calendar years 2025, 2026 and 2027. The implementing agency is INFLIBNET in Gandhinagar (Information and Library Network Centre).

To avail of this facility, the centrally funded institution must be registered on Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF). The scheme will benefit 18 million individuals within the academic community.

ONOS will also provide a platform to Indian researchers to publish their research articles in these journals without article processing charges (APC).

ONOS provides an opportunity to get the articles published in renowned journals without paying any charges. In the open access system, the articles are published by paying huge amounts for processing. It is a shot in the arm for research in India.


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