Ruja Ignatova, a Bulgarian-born businesswoman, created a fake cryptocurrency OneCoin as a counter to Bitcoin in 2014. It was not based on blockchain. It was worthless right from the beginning. It became a billion dollar currency in just 15 months. She also created a pyramid of people who were promised commissions to recruit others. All of them invested in OneCoin to strike big. It was a Ponzi scheme. People were not ready to miss out. In fact, they missed the bus when Bitcoin was launched. They announced a blockchain based entity, though there was none of this. Several IPOs were announced, but the company never went public. There was a meteoric rise of her crypto. When the things began going wrong the, the law enforcement agencies pursued her case. She disappeared from the scene. She, it seemed, had planned an exit story. She made some else a scapegoat — her younger brother Konstantin. He was arrested. He pleaded guilty in a New York court. The cryptoqueen must be floating somewhere on the high seas with a new name, a new face and access to huge capital. She believed, ‘ Fake it till you make it’.