Online Gaming

Once, there was a distinction between online gaming and gambling platforms. Of late, both these platforms have converged. A substantial portion of India’s online gaming involves gambling. There is a campaign to call these as a game of skill whereas gambling is a game of chance. These days every game is being played for stakes. Self-regulation has been proposed but there has not been any progress here. The crux of the matter is what is going to be regulated and how it will be regulated.

There could be regulation of gambling, sporting, or entertainment companies. Or will it be just a regulation of internet intermediaries? Internet companies tend to avoid regulation, e.g. e-commerce, social media, communication apps, super apps. First step of regulation could be licensing these companies.

There are unregulated pool or purse collections, and GST has been levied on them.

China has been strict with such companies.

Medical profession so far acknowledged only substance abuse addiction. It has now acknowledged non-substance behavioural addiction including online gaming and gambling. South Korea has identified online gaming as the largest health problem.


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