We can try several permutations and combinations to position the brands. We give some positioning concepts or slots here.
Technology Slot
The brand can take advantage of the pioneers lead, e.g. first in no-frost technology, first to issue photo credit cards with chips, first to market soft drinks through vending machines etc. Later, others hitch to the same brandwagon.
Experential Slot
There are sensorial perceptions about the brand which cannot be quantified and measured, e.g. freshness of a soap, lustre to hair given by a shampoo, fairness given by a cream or soap etc.
User Slot
A brand can be slotted for specific users as Johnson’s Baby Shampoo or Vicks VapoRub for children. Later more users can be included.
Trendiness Slot
Charms is the spirit of freedom. This cigarette slot started a trend. It is consistent with the life style of the users.
Repositioning a Rival Brand
In comparative advertising, Savlon was pitted against Dettol antiseptic which gave a burning sensation, whereas Salvon did not. Such repositioning worked in favour of Savlon.
New Product Category Slot
Unfixed deposit is a slot against the usual fixed deposits. This creates a new product category in the mind of the consumers. Another example is 7-up as an uncola drink.
Attribute Slot
One or a combination of attributes can be used to position the brand. There are several toothpastes based on attribute positioning.