Quantum computing field focuses on developing a computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory. It makes use of the extra-ordinary ability of sub-atomic particles to exist in many states, such as 0 and 1 simultaneously. These particles can process exponentially more data than conventional computers. Quantum computing operations use an object’s quantum state to create a qubit. It is a basic data unit in quantum computing. It serves the same purpose as that served by a bit in conventional computing. But quantum bits behave differently. Traditional binary bits can only maintain a position of 0 or 1, whereas qubits include a superposition of every possible state.
Quantum computers are smaller and consume less power. They look more elegant than supercomputers.
Qubits are used to execute multi-dimensional quantum computations. These function at incredibly low temperatures, just a hundredth degree above absolute zero. This is achieved by supercooled super-fluids which are converted into superconductors. At such low temperatures, some materials used in the processors show an important quantum mechanical property. Electrons move through them without resistance. Consequently, they are superconductors.
There are junctions created by Josephson. These are superconducting qubits. Microwave photons are directed to these qubits to control their behaviour. These can store, change and read individual bits of quantum information.
If two qubits are entangled, changes to one qubit affects immediately the other. To solve complex problem, quantum algorithms make use of these connections.
The Azure Quantum platform from Microsoft offers quantum technology. Google too allows the use its quantum computers.