In those days of snail mail, you used to receive letters which were scented. In these days of emails and digital communication, there are efforts to recreate the aroma by employing a table top device oPhone or a cartridge Scentee that connects to a Smartphone, and is set up with an app. These days plastic pallets with scents are used, and aroma is released when air flows over them. A small pallet is called an oChip. These chips are arrayed in oPhone. Each chip contains one to four aromas. These chips are sold in packets of eight. These are families of similar smells. A person positions the chips depending upon the smell he desires, and air flows over them, and a combined smell is emitted. Each chip lasts for 1000 uses, and costs $2. oPhone is accompanied by a table top receiver.
A scented message can be sent by tagging a pic with oSnap iPhone app. The sender selects the aromas. The person at the receiving end taps for the scent. The app directs the receiver to position the air flow. A fan switches on and the device emits aroma. oSnap app is free on iPhone. It will be available on Android next year.
Scentee is simpler. Here liquid aroma is changed into an aerosol by a small motor. Each cartridge is good for 200 sprays.