IPL 2022 edition had a setback in terms of the decline in TV viewership to the extent of 30 per cent in the first three weeks of the season. There was a marginal increase of 9 per cent in the fourth week over the third week. This should not be discouraging. Though TV viewership has been affected, OTT makes up substantial viewership. Thus the total viewership is not so dismal. Previously, because of the pandemic, the home-bound population was glued to the IPL. Of course, there was a cricketing overdose too in the past one to one and a half year.
IPL has upped its ad rates by 15 per cent this season. Established brands have reduced their spend. Maruti Suzuki too shrunk its spend. Disney Star India charges Rs.14 lac per 10 second spot in 2022. It is the last year of Disney’s term. The rights will soon go for bidding.
There is a decline in its core target audience. The channel could provide additional free commercial time (FCT).
IPL has to innovate its format too, before it becomes a fatigued property. Team loyalty should be nurtured as they do in case of football leagues. Big guns of cricket too could not fire up the season. As a matter of fact, IPL has grown by 13 per cent over the past two weeks. Brands are still relying on IPL extravaganza. The cumulative reach matters for the advertiser.
Viewership may increase as the tournament progresses. It is going to be bigger in coming days. The temporary dents will not affect IPL. Even the bid prices for broadcasters are going up. The BCCI had fetched Rs.18000 for TV rights in 2018, and expects to get double the amount, say Rs.32000 crore for the next five year term.