It has been launched in India since 2019. Its reach has expanded to 7500 towns and cities. India is one of the top 10 markets for this streaming platform. Indian users create 1.5 lac play-lists daily. They have good regional content. They source the content through a tool called Anchor from podcasters and creators. They run artist programmes — called Radar India. This introduces new artists. They have Equal, a programme that gives voice to women artists.
Spotify’s premium membership in India costs Rs.1189 per year. It’s a reasonable fee. It has other price options — short-term plans. They later upgrade to monthly or yearly plans. There are family plans, student plans and duo plans two people.
Brands make use of their audio storytelling. There are sponsorships too.Amazon Prime Music is a competitor. Spotify India focuses on local, rather than, international. There are podcasts in different languages.