Kaia, Ciny Crawford’s daughter, made her modelling debut at the age of 10 for Young Versace. Betty Lowe, daughter of designer Pearl has been modelling for her mother’s range of Peacocks from the age of five. Anais, 11 year old, is compared to Kate Moss’s early pictures. Several fashion houses in New York and Milan have started using girls aged 13 or 14 to do ad campaigns or the ramp modelling. They are in search of a fresh face. Younger models provide a model agency a lead-in period to build the relationship. The younger models influence the aesthetic. The younger she is, the more likely it is for her to be skinny and boyish. How young is then too young for fashion ? What is too old ? Sixteen is a good age to start, though seventeen is perfect. Eighteen is good as the schooling is out of the way. A girl starting at 20 would find it difficult to get work, and her agent would lie about her age, making her a year or two younger.