As we know, unique selling proposition was relevant when a product could be differentiated on the basis of some technological advantage. Since then we have an era of product parity on account of shortening of time between the introduction of an innovation and a me -too copycat product. Consequently, USP does not work. In the absence of meaningful differences, all brands tend to get commoditised, and the only differentiator the marketer uses is the price. The lower the prices, the greater are the chances of being preferred by the consumer. This affects profitability and long term prospects of the business.
Instead of USP, we now talk in terms of UBP — Unique Benefit Proposition. USP was the marketer’s say about the the product. UBP is what the consumer wants to hear from the marketers. In this approach, the consumer research is carried out to get insight — what the consumer really want and how our product can be connected to that primal need. A luxury car as an asset may be bought to flaunt wealth. But explicitly, the consumer may not say so. If safety is emphasised, it becomes more acceptable. It gives the consumer a permission to buy the luxury product. Later, the asset becomes an object of envy for the neighbours. Of course, even the competitors may try to find out what the consumers actually need. If our understanding of the consumers is better than that of the competitors, we shall win, and vice versa. This understanding is the basis for Unique Buying Proposition.