The focus in animated films is more on technology. That takes over the art of storytelling. There is no animation market in India. TV budgets are way too low to support good quality animation. Quality animation movies cost between Rs.20 crore and Rs. 40 crore, and at least a quarter of that in TV. Animation movie budgets in India are often less than Rs. 5 crore.
Every minute in an animation film adds 5400 frames ( going by the rate of 24 frames per second ). A 90-minute film will have 130,000 frames in all—or 130,000 unique images that need to be rendered.
In India, most of the successful feature films, from a financial stand point, are formula films. It is safe for a producer to launch a formula film. We do not have much experimentation in different genres—sci-fi, extreme action or adventure. Animation here is thought of as a product essentially for children. We hope this attitude changes. In the US. too, this did not happen overnight.