Most 5G tests in India involve non-standalone platforms. The non-standalone architecture (NSA) anchors the control signalling of 5G radio networks to 4G core. Standalone architecture (SA) connects the 5G radio directly to the 5G core network.
NSA brings higher speeds of 5G. SA in addition enables the development of totally new services and business models. In SA, 5G core is a fully virtualised, cloud-native architecture. If introduces new ways to develope, deploy and manage services.
A private 5G network is a wireless local area network (LAN) that enables 5G-enabled technologies to create a network with dedicated bandwidth and infrastructure that meets a company’s specific connectivity needs.
5G WhatsApp video calls are being tested. They display the 5G band and speed.
5G makes movie downloads faster and has cloud gaming features.
5G VONR or Voice/Video on New Radio calls offer superior call quality. There are instant connections and clearer sound with no background noise.