Brands owe much of their success to added values which go beyond functional values. Brands satisfy several social and psychological needs. Consumers are more comfortable using reputed brands. It is because of the aura that surrounds the physical product. Brand image enables the consumer to form a mental vision of what that brand stands for. Consumers try to match a brand image to their own needs, values and life style.
Brands are ubiquitous, and we come across them at each and every step. As soon as we get up, we use a branded tooth-paste and tooth-brush. Later we consume branded beverages — either tea or coffee and branded breakfast, say Kellog’s. During the course of the day , we come across several brands — the bikes we use, the cars we get into, the garments we wear, the perfumes and make-up we use, the pens we write with and so on. While attending office, we use formal branded suits to make a statement about our managerial position. While attending a party at night, we wear casuals such as Levi’s jeans, and party shirt. They make a different statement. Power brands project images and consumers use them to make statements.
Brand’s can have little functional differences but we can create sustainable emotional differences. A functional advantage such as frost-free fridge can become commonplace ,but when a brand is given value such as honesty and dependability, they are likely to last longer. Consumers choose their brands depending upon whether it will say the right sort of things about them, and whether the brand reflects back the right sort of personal feeling. Raymond makes you a complete man and reflects back a sense of exclusivity. Brands and consumers do interact with one another. They do not always buy brands to get functional utility or value for money. They have a social circle. They want to enrich their life. They, therefore, see what the brands symbolize. A brand has to fit in our life-style. It has to make a statement to express our personality. They should feel comfortable using the brand.
Brands are a part of the culture of society. As there is a cultural change, the brands have to adapt to the changing cultural patterns.