Communication has become intrusive. There is over-communication which is unwelcome. Advertisers reach out without caring for whether the person is willing to be reached. If the message is not meaningful, it is better to desist.
Advertising grammar is so adjusted that the reducing span of consumer attention is addressed. Headlines have become catchy and the offers are click-now-or-lose. Data is used to make the offers personalised. Communication is in sync with their past behaviour and preferences. Though personalisation is good, too much of it leads to brands developing multiple personality disorder, and lose the very essence that makes them brands. Video content is the preferred mode.
Advertisers are not the academic toppers, though many are outstandingly meritorious, it is not necessary for them to fit in. What matter more is creativity. Advertising creativity is not well acknowledged.
Advertising has to be responsive in real time, and the agencies cannot spend too much time to create campaigns. They have to respond to context quickly. Advertising cannot afford to be unethical, and must be truly professional.
Advertising, especially digital, is obsessed with technology of data science, streaming, programmatic and trending. Where is talent in all this? Whose job is it to be creative? Talent is not lured into the industry. Real talent is considered pricey. How can existing talent be trained into new dimensions? They should be given breathing space to upskill.
Talent attraction and retention is a big problem. Youngsters have many options. There is a tendency to poach talent within industry. The talent pool remains small. Industry has defaulted in its responsibility of creating fresher, high-quality talent.