Advertising is paid form of communication. It is mostly persuasive. To begin with it used mass media but these days it uses interactive media. Advertising is by an identified sponsor.
Advertising was targeted to the audience of potential customers. Either it covers the whole audience or small targeted or segmented groups. Advertising can now be customised, one-to-one advertising. It was formerly non-personal but is now changing to being personal on account of interactivity.
Advertising uses persuasion. It could be through emotional appeals or rational appeals.
Each advertising message is based on a strategy. A detergent advertising can decode that stain removal of the product would be our strategy. Advertising objective could be the improvement in current sales. The strategy is translated into a message , say a school returning child’s shirt is stained by mud splash and on returning home, the mother puts the shirt into the washing machine with the detergent being advertised. The shirt comes out bright and is totally stain free. This message can be put through print, outdoor and TVC. You can also use digital media. The whole thing will be managed by the Agency who gets compensated by commission received from the media.
After running the advertisement for some time, it is time to evaluate it. It is to be seen whether it improved the sales.