Bitcoin is a product of technology — here it creates its own stock and currency called crypto-tokens or simply tokens or coins. The underlying blockchain technology consists of distributed ledgers — all records are shared with and kept by all participants. There is high-end cryptography in mining, which makes hacking next to impossible. Bitcoin is a digital token that can be sent electronically from one user to another anywhere in the world. It is also the name given to payment network on which the tokens move. The network is not run by one single company or person. It is decentralised network of computers around the world. There is no central authority and so no compulsion to reveal the identities of the users. It keeps the government out of the network.
Cryptocurrencies mimic official currencies and thus face the opposition of the governments. Blockchain platforms and crypto-tokens are inseparable siamese twins. Governments have a tough choice. They cannot allow cryptos to substitute official fiat currency. It, at the same time, cannot allow its citizens to enter into an artificial bubble of surging valuation of cryptos.
It, therefore, requires rational thinking. Crypto tokens can be allowed as assets with tight regulations and taxation policy.