To begin with, the value added services ( VAS ) on cell phone were restricted to SMSs, MMSs and call-related services. Then came applications, shortened as apps, which empowered us a thousandfold. There is no limit to what a mobile can do, it is just limited to imagination and skill. There is gaming, social networking, shopping, navigation, health, education, utilities all on apps. India has become an App Economy. There are many job oppurtunities as app developer. These apps let the cell phone components such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and sensors work innovatively and produce results hitherto unknown. Apps are acquiring more sophistication. According to one estimate, app downloads are likely to touch a billion this year ( 2015 ). However, the apps originating in India are just a tiny fraction of the total demand. It does not mean that there are less Indians who develop apps. Most Indian app developers are settled abroad. They are the second largest community of app developers. Domestic users consume international apps and, therefore, international app stores dominate. App generated revenue here was pocketed by telecom companies — as much as 70 per cent, and 30 per cent was left for the developers. WiFi now enables consumers to bypass telecoms, and they can access apps directly from internet. India is a promising market for apps. Apps generate jobs, deliver benefits and create new business models. They are an important component of our JAM — Jan Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile Technology.