Bootcamp is a North-American term. Basically, it is a training camp for new military recruits. The training is short but difficult. Such bootcamps are designed as intensive training sessions to make the trainees aware of the practical reality. The term could be traced back to Spanish-American War when the recruits wore leggings called boots, and that is the origin of the term of bootcamp.
In the IT industry, new technology trends are visible — blockchain, VR, NFTs, bitcoins, digital avatars and metaverse. There are innumerable new opportunities in the emerging sectors.
To be employable and to remain employable, the candidates can attend a coding bootcamp. Bootcamps teach the candidates how to code and apply the code to workplace projects. Bootcamps can be conducted physically or virtually.
Bootcamps cover programming languages such as JavaScript, SQL and Python. There are modules on current software, tools and techniques. Participants in bootcamps may have little or no prior coding experience.
In bootcamps, the participants learn about data science and analytics. The courses are interactive. The essential element is mentorship from expert professionals. They have hands-on experience and that facilitates learning. There is one-on-one relationship with the mentor. Attention is paid to the aspirations of the trainees and the demands of the industry.
Bootcamps also help in building networks. There is close co-operation between engineers and developers. Such camps foster team work. Cohort-based online training enable a smooth transition from the current job to the aspired job.