Organisation had just Chief Marketing Officers ( CMOs). As the engagement with digital media is more, marketing technology has acquired significance for the brands. It has led to the creation of the position of Chief Marketing Technology Officer (CMTO). Consumers are technology-empowered. They should have access to the companies and there activities. Millennials search and seek information on the net before buying. Experience is shared. In yester years, this feedback was limited to one or two people. The focus is on technology and digital operations. Yes, we still do require creatives, but the focus is no longer on it. A CMTO not only establishes a companies digital presence and gets data from consumer conversations, he goes beyond and provides experience to consumer across several touch points. He has expertise in both marketing and technology. Formerly, companies asked Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Information Officer to work as a team to achieve the goals but they have not remained relevant. CMTOs have taken over.
CIOs were concerned with operations. They managed ERP system. CMTO works to transform the customer experience through technology. He manages CRM system, digital advertising that is targeted. A bank with a CMTO will send a Tweet to its customers in keeping with his needs. He is in fact a relationship manager too. A CMTO of a hotel group can provide a virtual tour of its property. It is all contextual. Gone are days of unilateral communications.
A marketing officer of future will spend more on IT than a CIO.