Some of the negative shopping experiences or retailing pitfalls put off the customers.
- Trolley Troubles There are no trolleys available for the customer at the entry level. Or the trolleys are defective.
- Crowded Aisles The aisles are blocked by the merchandise waiting to be put on the shelves.
- Unclean Surroundings The floors may have waste littered. They may be dirty or stained.
- Music Loud music or FM is played. Music should be customised to customer profile.
- Poor Light Poorly lit stores are unwelcoming. There should be consideration for the senior shoppers and poor eye sight customers.
- Smell A store should give good olfactory experience. There should not be smell of the employees lunch boxes drifting across the stores.
- Signage The signs should not be hand-written.
- Check-out In order to save the manpower costs and energy overheads, there should not be long queues of the customers at the check out counters.