Most large agencies have started digital divisions. These are, however, compartmentalised. There is no cross fertilisation of ideas. Most creative work on brands happen outside the digital division, and the digital specialists are then expected to take it forward digitally. Digital division is considered to be a place where long TV commercials are made. Conventional agency may not be the right place for a person who wants to work in digital space. Creatives should make a switch to a pure digital world advertising firm. A digital creative person thinks of a brand and video simultaneously. He may have to work on films with a shoe-string budget. However, his competence in this field can be leveraged in future. This is the place where the future is. It is full of opportunities. TV stories are linear and predictable. Digital is idea-centred. You have to bring this idea to life, all in unexpected ways. Smart phones enable one to engage with video anytime. Video consumption is growing. There are not enough people who can write quality video content. This content must be engaging enough, must be entertaining enough and must be moving enough.
Videos are made easier by technology. Even smart phones can shoot HD videos. It is not necessary to shoot on films — in fact films will be a quaint word in a couple of years.
On TV, a creative has to consider the dictates of the client. TRPs and GRPs also influence the creatives. On digital side, the consumer is the king. There are no viewers. There are only only people who prefer and choose to view what stuff you have produced. The idea that you have nurtured finds audience if it is worth seeing. Maybe, it is horrendous to some, and exhilarating to others.