Design Thinking has one purpose — to make the market simplified, by going to the first order of innovation. Design Thinking always moves from the first-order and proceeds to second and third order. It is to be seen how to make the human mind to go to the first-order. You have to prepare the design mind. Generally, in product design, we start designing from the current state, which could be third state, or fourth or fifth. The efficiency that could come when it starts from the first-order will not be visible.
There are four stages of Design Thinking. The first stage is to understanding better. You can do so by observing patterns, connecting the dots and unearthing the blind spots. The second stage is to apply the Desirability. The third stage is to assess technological Feasibility. The fourth stage is to see the Viability. This is going back to Standford Model of Ideo. After examining whether the product has desirability, feasibility and viability, it is to be seen at what price point it can be given and at what performance level. Here onwards, the business design space begins. It is to be seen what is the mystery in the market place. This mystery is to be convereted into heuristics. That is to be converted into algorithm. Mystry, Heuristics and Algorithm are the three vertical pillars of design.
The design has five elements:
- Right Skills
- Right expertise
- Right perspectives
- Right ideas
- You align them together.
There is an emotional layer on the design along with the skill layer. The emotional layer has five frictional forces — doubt, conflict, anger, fear and ego.
Design Thinking cannot be a dated concept anytime. It does not have a shelf-life. It is a way of life.
Design Thinking has three dimensions, one — the desirability or the end-user dimension, the feasibility or the engineering technology dimension, the viability which is the economic or value dimension.