Both Star and Sony have launched digital formats of their TV broadcasts. It is an App. Star has launched Hotstar and Sony has launched Sony Liv. They are making some exclusive content for the apps. Mostly they offer the already existing content. Some content will be shown both on air and digitally. It will be an integration of content. Star has also acquired digital rights for the IPL matches for Hotstar and More and more people are watching television content on digital platform. The costs of creating content for a digital platform and for a television show are different. They are not comparable. These are the early days for monetizing the content digitally. Zee TV and Viacom 18 too have digital plans. Digital provides an opportunity to get an intimate view of the viewers watching it. There is no agency to monitor the incremental reach — TV plus digital. The gestation period will be long and it will take 5-7 years for the digital formats to break even.