Organisations are adopting enterprise SaaS, as an alternative to conventional business software. SaaS is cost-effective, and critical business processes are put in an on-demand environment. The advantages of enterprise SaaS are :
Scalability and Accessibility
SaaS solutions reside in cloud environments. These are scalable and could be integrated to other offerings of SaaS. It can be scaled up or down depending upon needs.
Cost Effective
There is a periodic subscription to be paid to SaaS providers. There is no upfront huge payment. SaaS providers maintains the environment, and hence the maintenance costs are lower.
High Adoptability
SaaS solutions are delivered through the web. Employees master them quickly. Thus adoptability is easier.
Guaranteed Level of Service
Traditional software is not warranty-backed. SaaS guarantees the performance. There is automatic back too.
Faster Updates
There are less costs and effort associated with SaaS updates than those with traditional software.
There are some disadvantages of SaaS solutions.
Limited Visibility
There are many SaaS tools within a tech stack. Different teams may be using different apps. However, the functionality is similar in SaaS apps.
Enterprise SaaS can be scaled up easily. It lowers costs. There are problems of integration when independent software is used, say CRM system with Salesforce. We have to troubleshoot the issues.
There is easy access to SaaS model anytime. It carries a lot of information, especially crucial financial data. The data is sent to cloud with ease. It is a data security issue. There should be clear policy about data security.
Indian software-as-a service (SaaS) companies are poised to reach $30 billion in revenues, capturing 8-9 per cent share of the global SaaS market by 2025. ( Report by Bain & Co).