It is proposed to have data protection law. In India we generate immense quantities of data. If we secure this data and use it beneficially, it will lead to the well-being of Indians.
Second, powerful algorithms are used to mine the data. Personal data no longer remain individualised. Consumers give data in return of free services. In combination with other data, it becomes a source of strategic insight into the nation’s vulnerabilities and strengths. Thus data use must be appreciated in the overall holistic contact.
Data are stored in context. There is no guarantee against its misuse. The state must have the power to supervise and regulate the contexts and uses to which data are deployed. Abuse and misuse must be penalised.
Data residency is important. Data of Indians must be compliant with Indian law and regulation. Authorities must have access to Indian data. Such data must be stored within India’s territorial jurisdiction.
Finally, in the economy there is asymmetry. There are well-established firms abroad. India’s ordinary citizens cannot stand up to them. The sovereignty is fragmented. Digital giants operate seamlessly . Indian laws must have extra-territorial reach to ensure full compliance of digital players.