Global Unified Ad Platform

Digital advertising globally will touch a staggering figure of a trillion dollars by 2026-27. Digitisation in advertising has sneaked in so rapidly that 60 per cent plus of the total advertising market is already digital; and could reach 75 per cent globally. Thus even in India, digital is most likely to be the largest medium even by 2025.

Such drastic change makes it necessary to obtain a holistic view of the consumer. Big Tech maintains their own walled gardens of consumer data. It is an incomplete view of the consumer. Marketers come across a stumbling block to assess concrete real-time information.

To address this there should be a combination of adtech, martech and deeptech collectively called madtech. It is a platform of platforms, e.g. ReBid. A worldwide unified advertising and marketing platform can be built . This platform will provide access to consumers across the walled gardens. The volume of data that will flow through this platform will require automation. It is going to be an end-to-end platform. There are experiments to create such a platform.

Platform-driven advertising avails of a variety of tools, software, AI and ML to make this automatic to provide a holistic view of the consumers to the marketers and advertisers. These individual tools must be further augmented.

Dinosaur-like old agencies will perish, and nimble tech friendly platforms will take over.


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