Google to Challenge the CCI Order

Google feels that the CCI order could hurt the developer base in India. To follow the order, the developers would have to develop apps with different specifications for different app stores.

There could be sideloading of apps posing security risks. Sideloading refers to downloading of apps outside of app stores using the APK file. Google’s system is open source eco-system that has base-line level of compatibility. It becomes cost effective for developers to get their apps on Google Play Store.

The order also expects Google to enable forked version of Android. The CCI asked Google to make all its apps interoperable for all forks. It takes us back to early-2000 world where the eco-system was highly fragmented. Developers have to develop so many different versions. They were priced out. China has such a system right now. There are several Android forks there. There is a risk of user vulnerability with this. It is a big security issue. There is no central place where users are protected.


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